We've been here since early 2014 and we have receieved a few testimonials on our website, but as of late 2018 we have moved our review serction to Google and Facebook. If you would like to let us know your experience with Web For Actors we would love to hear from you.

Frederick Martin - Web For Actors client


Yes! Finally! They call it "the web" for a reason, and IADB helped clear out the brush and made a simple roadmap to creating a sleek, professional website. The website looks amazing and I've told all my friends about it.

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Actor Website Tips | List your training - if you can, list your teacher names. If someone searches for them, they might find you.

What else goes on your resume? One thing that seems to be missing from a lot of actor websites are solid credentials. Listen, you paid for all of these acting classes. Years of training. Why not bring that up every chance you get?Standard resumes...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website instead of counting sheep.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast ALWAYS bring your headshot and resume. Don't assume they'll have it from your agent.

Actor Dictionary | Ultimates Model

What you should know

An ultimates model is a financial model used to determine the value of a film. This is usually established by the distributor of the film and is based on all revenue streams generated by the film including domestic theatrical box, DVD, network TV, pay TV, cable TV, and other ancillary markets within a 10 year period. The domestic theatrical box office is the main driver behind the ultimates valuation. Ultimates serve three main purposes. One is to determine the anticipated value of a film in order to attain financing from a lender. This ultimates value will allow the lender to derive an appropriate amount to lend to the filmmaker. Another purpose is determining the price for post-release sales. This could be to foreign TV, pay TV or any other ancillary markets. When determining the price to sell a film to another distributor after the film has been released, the price will be based off the ultimates value of the film. This is usually derived from domestic theatrical box office revenue. The third purpose is collateral for lending. In other words, if you were borrowing money from a lender, the lender could lend against your library and the value of your library is based on the ultimates model which is applied to each of the films in that particular library.

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